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Industry Grade 30K Ultrasonic Cutting Knife Hand-held Or Rack-mounted Ultrasonic Plastic Cutter
202304161513193 - Industry Grade 30K Ultrasonic Cutting Knife Hand-held Or Rack-mounted Ultrasonic Plastic Cutter
2023041615132165 - Industry Grade 30K Ultrasonic Cutting Knife Hand-held Or Rack-mounted Ultrasonic Plastic Cutter
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Industry Grade 30K Ultrasonic Cutting Knife Hand-held Or Rack-mounted Ultrasonic Plastic Cutter

​ Sound cutting is a great innovation in the food industry, utilizing ultrasonic cutting equipment to cut various food products: bread, baked or hard and soft candy, cakes, pizza, sandwiches, pies, and other foods. This product has high cutting accuracy and is free from debris, breakage, and waste. Ultrasonic cutting k…

Industry Grade 30K Ultrasonic Cutting Knife Hand-held Or Rack-mounted Ultrasonic Plastic Cutter

Sound cutting is a great innovation in the food industry, utilizing ultrasonic cutting equipment to cut various food products: bread, baked or hard and soft candy, cakes, pizza, sandwiches, pies, and other foods. This product has high cutting accuracy and is free from debris, breakage, and waste. Ultrasonic cutting knives enable the system to segment products. The vibration frequency of the ultrasonic cutting blade is 20000 per second, which can avoid direct contact with the product, achieve low cutting resistance and prevent sticking to the blade, accurate and clean results, and food without fragmentation and dispersion.

-Color touch screen setting scheme selection: rectangular cutting, slicing of food such as cakes and bread

-CNC cutting

-Food grade conveyor belt conveyor, can be added to existing production lines

The ultrasonic cutting device can complete the vertical product rectangular cake cutting up and down. Slice thickness can be controlled on the control panel, up to the millimeter level. For example, when slicing a cake and conveying it on a conveyor belt, select the cutting mode on the control panel and set the cutting thickness in millimeters. The machine will automatically cut and calculate the position of the cake, and then cut the cake.

Industry Grade 30K Ultrasonic Cutting Knife Hand-held Or Rack-mounted Ultrasonic Plastic Cutter

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