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20khz Bread Cheese Cake Slicer Slicing Ultrasonic Food Knife Cutting System Machine Ultrasonic Cutter
2023041613394459 - 20khz Bread Cheese Cake Slicer Slicing Ultrasonic Food Knife Cutting System Machine Ultrasonic Cutter
2023041613394697 - 20khz Bread Cheese Cake Slicer Slicing Ultrasonic Food Knife Cutting System Machine Ultrasonic Cutter
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20khz Bread Cheese Cake Slicer Slicing Ultrasonic Food Knife Cutting System Machine Ultrasonic Cutter

​ Ultrasonic food cutting knife is a device that utilizes ultrasonic energy for cutting. Compared with traditional cutting machines, ultrasonic food cutting machines are more hygienic, have shorter downtime, higher cost-effectiveness, higher consistency of cutting surfaces, and longer blade retention time. The devel…

20khz Bread Cheese Cake Slicer Slicing Ultrasonic Food Knife Cutting System Machine Ultrasonic Cutter

Ultrasonic food cutting knife is a device that utilizes ultrasonic energy for cutting. Compared with traditional cutting machines, ultrasonic food cutting machines are more hygienic, have shorter downtime, higher cost-effectiveness, higher consistency of cutting surfaces, and longer blade retention time.

The development of ultrasonic technology has also made it possible to use ultrasonic for product cutting. Ultrasonic cutting technology continues to develop and improve, and has now been applied to cutting industrial products such as food, rubber, fabrics, and so on. The ultrasonic cutting machine can cause its blades to vibrate 20000 to 40000 times per second (20 to 40 kHz). This high-frequency vibration, ultrasonic cutting machine can easily cut food. The application of ultrasonic cutting in food is currently widely used in the cutting of bread, cake, desserts, cheese, candy, meat and other foods. The length and height of the ultrasonic blade may vary, depending on the specific requirements of the customer and the existing conditions of the ultrasonic cutting machine customization.

Our ultrasonic cutting knives are made of titanium, which is a completely inert material recognized by the food industry. Titanium has good fatigue strength, surface hardness, and excellent acoustic properties.

20khz Bread Cheese Cake Slicer Slicing Ultrasonic Food Knife Cutting System Machine Ultrasonic Cutter

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